
01793 200674


Due to current Government and PHE guidelines, I have had to make significant changes to the way I work, in order to minimise the risk of transmission in my clinic setting. This will reviewed periodically and is subject to changes in the guidelines.

What should you expect?

When booking a treatment, I will send a Covid-19 Consent form to you, so that you are aware of the risks involved. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are at risk, please visit the government website for more information: and inform me at your earliest convenience, if you need to cancel your appointment.

When arriving for your appointment, please bring a mask with you (I can provide one if needed) and use the hand sanitiser provided, when you enter Basepoint Business Centre. If you think you may need a towel for your treatment, please bring one with you, as well as a pen, to sign consent forms.

Safety in clinic

I will be wearing appropriate PPE in my clinic and will thoroughly clean all areas where contact has been made, in between treatments. Hand sanitiser will be readily available in my room, for your use – please feel free to use this at any time. Disposable couch roll, pillow covers and plastic sheets will be used on furniture and replaced for each client, to reduce the risk of contamination. In order to minimise aerosol transmission within my clinic, I will reduce our “talk time” to less than 15 minutes – this will mean communicating via email beforehand, where necessary. To avoid any cross contamination, payments will need to be made by credit/debit card, using my card machine.

If any of the following applies to you, please contact me immediately:

  1. You or your household are exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms and have been contacted by NHS England and told to self isolate.
  2. You feel unwell, with a temperature, new continuous cough, or a lack of a sense of taste or smell
  3. You have had a high temperature or fever in the last 14 days
  4. You have had a persistent dry cough or worsening of a pre-existing cough
  5. You have been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 or has coronavirus type symptoms

Thank you for your co-operation at this time.